New Student Orientation reservations will open on Wednesday, April 9 at 1 p.m. EST.
Parents, family members and student supporters are critical in the success of their student’s transition to UNC Charlotte. New Student Orientation’s (NSO) family track is designed to introduce families to information and resources that will allow you to be the best support system for your student.
While NSO is not mandatory for family members, you are highly encouraged to participate as the program offers a wealth of information. While family member participation is not mandatory, student attendance is mandatory. The student and family schedules include separate and combined sessions throughout the day.
To participate in the program, students should add their family members to their NSO reservation in their Future 49er Portal. Family members will be emailed more information on their orientation experience after being added to their student’s reservation.
Family Track Overview
NSO offers families a robust program that includes mirrored elements to the student experience. Continue reading for a brief overview of the family track. Additional information will be sent via email to family members included on their student’s NSO reservation.
On your student’s reserved NSO date, family members will visit campus to engage in interactive experiences. Check-in for NSO will begin at 8:00 a.m. and the day will conclude at 5 p.m.
Family members are encouraged to attend the full program, but not required. However, students’ full participation in NSO is required. Should students miss any portion of the program, they will be required to attend another session or risk having their New Student Orientation Hold placed back on their account.
Guest Fee: $100 per guest*
Limited to two (2) guests per registered student
*Guest fees will be paid at the completion of the students reservation through their Future 49er Portal.
It is highly encouraged for your student to submit their immunizations as soon as possible, but they must be submitted prior to the start of the academic year. Information on immunization requirements can be found on the Student Health Center website.
We recommend that your student have their unofficial transcripts available as they register for classes if they have not yet submitted their official transcripts. This information will allow your student to understand how current courses fit into the course sequencing for their major. While your student will be able to register for courses without submitting official transcripts, they may be limited from registering for courses for which your prerequisites have not been processed with their official transcripts. Your student should submit their official transcripts as soon as they are available.
If the registration system is stating there is a pending payment, then there is still a payment due. If a payment attempt is made but the payment fails, this can show up as a pending payment within your student’s bank account. Please reach out to if your student has any payment questions.
New Student Orientation is required for all new first-year and transfer students. NSO sessions are available throughout the summer so that your student can participate on any available date. If your student has personal limitations that prevent them from completing their NSO requirement, they should email with their name, 801# and detailed information on why they are seeking a program exemption. Please know that limited program exemptions are granted.
Your student is able to see the NSO dates with available seats. If they do not see an NSO date in the reservation portal, this means that the session is full.
Students should change their major as soon as possible, ideally before their NSO session. Students will be able to submit a Major Change form on their Future 49er Portal. For more questions about major change, contact Undergraduate Admissions at
There are a few reasons that your student may have a hold on your account.
New Student Orientation Hold: This hold will be released within 24 hours of the completion of their New Student Modules.
Advising Hold: After completing their New Student Modules, your student must complete virtual advising with their academic college to lift the Advising Hold. More information will be available in their modules.
Undergraduate Admissions (UA) Hold: If your student has this hold, they may need to submit additional documentation required by the University. Questions about UA holds can be directed to
If your student is having trouble logging in to Canvas, please make sure that they are logging in using their UNC Charlotte NinerNET login and password.
If your student is having any issues with the Canvas system, please see the Canvas Support Page through OneIT.
If your student is having problems with their New Student Modules, please contact with information on what challenges they are experiencing.